Person who works in the sex industry.
Examples for "sex workers"
Examples for "sex workers"
1Unfortunately, sex workers are quite often left out of the sisterhood circle.
2She said criminalising sex work deterred sex workers from reporting trafficking crimes.
3Many sex workers do not have the right to work in France.
4Doughty was unable to say whether the other victims were sex workers.
5Getty Images Copyright: Getty Images Most sex workers meet customers in person.
1Joni is not a sex worker and she actually reported the case.
2Related: The six men every sex worker encounters on dating apps 4.
3Here is another: A sex worker gets involved with a rich punter.
4Photo: Rebekah Parsons-King Mandy, a 45-year-old sex worker on K'Rd in Auckland.
5A man who murdered a Christchurch sex worker is appealing his sentence.
6Another victim was homeless, smoked crack cocaine and was a sex worker.
7Comedian and sex worker Lucy Roche uses comedy to break down stereotypes.
8She plays a desperate sex worker in a brutal tale of trafficking.
9Two hours later a second sex worker was punched in the face.
10So allow me to try to clarify: I'm a sex worker.
11The businesses I want to see succeed most urgently are sex worker businesses.
12Now, no sex worker goes to court and I'm here to help them.
13These services would connect you one-on-one with the sex worker of your choice.
14The sex worker you see probably won't be faking an Oscar-worthy orgasm, either.
15Sainey Marong has been found guilty of murdering Christchurch sex worker Renee Duckmanton.
16I chose to become a sex worker when I was 22 years old.
Translations for sex worker